Monday 3 October 2011

UKF are Premiership and winning

 UKF had 2 amazing games last night, so tense that they could not afford to drop even a round.
But we done it and pleased to say the Barbarians are now in the Premiership and The Warriors have won The premiership for HCSND.

Lots to look forward to next season with the team structures being changed and the New Call Of Duty out, its going to be interesting indeed!


Sunday 25 September 2011

Skyrim Demo

Just played a bit of the skyrim demo round a friends
Oh. My. Gawd.
Sweet lord, what a game. The environments were beautiful, the animations were improved, combat looks infinitely better, no more awkward dialogue screen, horses looked like they handled much better. I could go on and on and on, but I wanna focus on the part that really had me screaming like a little girl; when the player came across the mammoths and giants walking peacefully, gets into a fight with them, AND OH MY GOD THE FUCKING DRAGON PICKS UP THE FUCKING GIANT AND THROWS HIM A MILLION FUCKING FEET IN THE AIR AND NOW WE HAVE TO FIGHT HIM AND KILL HIM AND THEN OH MY GOD A FUCKING FROST DRAGON RIGHT AFTER WHICH YOU KILL BY MAKING FUCKING LIGHTNING COME DOWN FROM THE FUCKING HEAVENS!!!!!

Ahem… sorry about that, geeked out for a minute. So uhh… yeah, it was quite impressive.

Saturday 24 September 2011

No Microsoft Points But want some freebies check our top 15

If you want more from your console but haven't got any spare Microsoft Points to hand, all is not lost. From applications to widen your Xbox 360's entertainment capabilities, to add-ons that make your favourite games even better, to entire games, it's not hard to find examples of Microsoft's generosity at work. You can get all of this for less than the price of a penny sweet.

01 - LAST FM (App)

Xbox Live Gold subscribers have free access to a radio show that is able to tailor its music specifically to your tastes. Just type in the artists or genres that you enjoy and listen to. Perfect for when you've got a group of friends over, or those times when you want to put down the pad and chill out to some tunes.

02 - THE GUILD (Show)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer actress Felicia Day created, wrote and starred in a brilliant comedy web series, which focuses on a guild of hapless gamers (The Knights of Good) trying to juggle their real and virtual lives playing an unnamed MMORPG. Xbox Live Marketplace is the home of episode premieres.


Halo Waypoint is an essential download for anybody with even a remote interest in the Halo series. Not only does the hub gather all your game details and dish out rewards related to your skill, it's updated with news, information, tips and exclusive looks at the ever-expanding Halo-verse on a daily basis.


An oldie but a goodie, this. One of the best bits of downloadable content of all time is the criminally under looked commentary track for Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. It adds a massive four-and-a-half hours of developer commentary content to the Escape from Butcher Bay portion of the game, with loads of hints, tips and behind-the-scenes stories, making it good value for another play through.

05 - FACEBOOK (App)

The most popular social networking site is now a part of the Xbox 360 universe thanks to a downloadable app that can be found in your dashboard's My Community category. Those of you who can't bear to be away from Facebook for any significant length of time can easily check feeds and update statuses in between gaming sessions.

Click to view larger image

It may be a demo but this contains content not available in the final game. If you're after a new racing experience, we'd recommend getting hold of the trial and trying the challenges built exclusively for the demo.


One of Inside Xbox's best features is brought to you direct by your favorite magazine. The OXM Report is thier weekly peek behind the curtain of the industry in video format, with a new episode on your dash every Monday.

8 - N+ LEVEL PACK #3 (DLC)

This has to be one of the most generous bits of free DLC ever. N+'s third level pack contains a whopping 150 single-player levels, 50 co-op levels and 50 race levels. They're nabbed from the original PC N game but have been upgraded for the Xbox 360. For nothing it's an absolute steal.


The free DLC Survival Pack made this great game even greater, bringing the Death Toll and Dead Air campaigns into Versus, and introducing the sensational Survival mode, with waves of zombies taking you out across 16 maps.

10 - PHOTO PARTY (App)

Download Photo Party from the general A-Z tab and you can have just what it promises: a photo party. Plug cameras and memory sticks with pictures on them into your Xbox 360's USB ports, invite friends into a Live Party and begin sharing your photos.

Click to view larger image

Believe it or not, Kinect's much more than just a controller substitute. Download the Video Kinect application from your dashboard and you'll find that it'll replace your phone, too. Friends and family who do the same can then enjoy video conference calls with one another through the magic of an Xbox Live Gold Subscription. Happy chatting!

12 - AEGIS WING (Game)

Though free games TotemBall, Dash of Destruction and Yaris have all now been de-listed, side-scrolling shooter Aegis Wing - a game created by three Microsoft interns - can still be downloaded. It's only available in the States, however, so you will need to have an American Gamertag to grab it.

Click to view larger image

The Rock Band, Guitar Hero and Lips music stores let you manage your music games' libraries without having to boot up the titles every time a new track is released. Even handier, they make locating and downloading the few free tracks - and they do exist - easy and quick.


Created to drum up interest for Alan Wake's launch, Bright Falls is a surprisingly professional attempt at spinning the game's story into a live action webisode format. All six chilling episodes are freely available to stream or download.


Ultimate Team is essentially Top Trumps for FIFA: a bolt-on mode that lets you build teams by collecting and trading player cards. For two years EA charged good money for the expansion, but for FIFA 11 the DLC is completely free.

16 - HARM'S WAY (Game)

Doritos' second Unlock Xbox competition brings racing game Harm's Way to the Marketplace for the princely sum of zero Microsoft Points. It's a blend of racing and shooting genres, as drivers race in frantic battles of destruction, while snipers target opposition vehicles and trigger short-cuts and obstacles for friends and foes.

Xbox System update

With the Xbox Update coming to users real soon here is a list of updates to expect:

Twist Control (Metro design language)[4]
System Software Changes:
  • Stereoscopic 3D for games and experiences that support it. [5][6]
  • Support for dual play. [7]
  • Updated Standard and Kinect Dashboard with Full Voice Dashboard Commandment Support.[8]
  • Bing on Xbox[9].
  • YouTube on Xbox 360 with Bing Search support.[10]
  • Beacons[11]
  • Skype Integration[12]
Xbox Live Changes:
  • Live television on Xbox 360 with Bing Search support[13].
  • Cloud Storage for Game Saves and LIVE Profile[14].
Kinect Changes:
Expanded Kinect Voice Support.

Now as stated before no release date as yet but as soon as we know you will!

Friday 23 September 2011

The Undead Heroes

I interrogated DANGERCLOSE TUH for some information and this is what i managed to get him to say!

Q1: When Was The Undead Heroes Formed?
A: November 2010

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: Atari jaguar

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: MP40

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: MW3

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Firing Range

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Mario

Q8: How did you decide the name The Undead Heroes?
A: I have always been into horror films so wanted something undead about it.

Q9: Where do you see The Undead Heroes in the Next Year?
A: I hope still all being together and haveing lots of fun as we do now

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: I can see the WGL getting bigger and bigger, I was one of the members here in season 1 with TZA, It only started with about 10 clans and has grown a lot now

You can catch these people on there website:
or playing black ops

Thursday 22 September 2011

Battlefield 3 Game Modes

Long standing classic Battlefield game modes Conquest and Rush are back in Battlefield 3, together with interesting new additions to make this our broadest and deepest Battlefield yet. From the close quarters infantry combat of Team Deathmatch and Squad Deathmatch to objective driven all-out vehicle warfare – Battlefield 3 has it all. All of the 9 huge multiplayer maps in Battlefield 3 adapt to all 5 game modes, effectively giving you 45 distinctly different multiplayer experiences to choose between. Without further ado, here are the five available multiplayer modes at launch in detail. What they are, what their respective goals are, and how they play.
Team Deathmatch
 On all 9 maps
Players: 24 (12 vs. 12)
Focus: Team Based Infantry Combat
Goal: Eliminate a set number of enemy combatants
Winning the game: The team that reaches the set kill number first is declared the winner
Team Deathmatch is of the true classics when it comes to multiplayer game modes, and a game mode that makes its first appearance in a Battlefield game since the original Battlefield 1942. In Team Deathmatch, two teams of 12 players each duke it out on tight knit maps with a distinct infantry focus – there are no vehicles available in Team Deathmatch. For that quick instant action fix, this is the perfect game mode. For players new to Battlefield, this is a good place to start. Once you get the hang of the infantry gameplay, you can move on to deeper modes that include the signature vehicle warfare for which Battlefield is known and loved.
Squad Deathmatch
 On all 9 maps
Players: 16 (4 squads of 4)
Focus: Squad Based Infantry Combat
Goal: Eliminate a set number of enemy combatants
Winning the game: The squad that reaches the set kill number first is declared the winner

Squad Deathmatch is a larger and more dynamic variety of deathmatch that also features the inclusion of an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). The IFV can help break a deadlock, as long as you keep it alive with solid Engineer gameplay. The 4 squad setup means that there is a constant battle throughout the game to gain and maintain the lead. Sticking together, keeping your squad healed up, supplied, and repaired are the keys to victory. The squad that can combine the potent Battlefield mix of team play and combat prowess will be proven the winner.
 On all 9 maps
Players: 24/32 (Console/PC)
Focus: Objective Based All-out Warfare
Goal: Attack/defend M-COM stations
Winning the game: Destroy all M-COM stations/Deplete the attacker’s tickets (Attackers/Defenders)

First introduced in Battlefield: Bad Company, Rush has now made its way to the heart of the Battlefield series in Battlefield 3. An objective based mode, the attackers have to arm and detonate pairs of M-COM stations in each area of the map to unlock the next area and the next pair of M-COM stations. While defenders have an unlimited amount of spawn tickets, attackers only get new tickets every time they destroy a pair of M-COMs. If all M-COM stations on the entire map are destroyed, the attackers are declared the winning team. If the defenders manage to deplete the attacker’s tickets to zero (by killing them), the defenders are declared the winners.
As an all-out warfare mode, Rush features a large variety of vehicle setups tuned specifically to that map’s landscape and features. Players can find all types of vehicles on Rush maps, including transport vehicles, armored vehicles, helicopters, and of course, jets. Rush offers a compelling objective based all-out warfare game mode for Battlefield veterans.
If you are familiar with this game mode from Battlefield: Bad Company 2, you might want to know we are refining it for Battlefield 3 in a number of ways, based on player feedback. Some of the gameplay tweaks we are bringing to Rush are:
* You cannot use explosives or shoot at the M-COM to take it out. Only arm and disarm.
* If the attacking team arms the M-COM but runs out of tickets, the match will continue until the M-COM detonates or defenders disarm it
* If the defenders start disarming an M-COM just before it’s about to blow, the explosion is prevented until the disarm is accomplished. If the defender gets killed during the disarm process, the M-COM will instantly blow
Squad Rush
 On all 9 maps
Players: 8 (4 vs. 4)
Focus: Squad Based Infantry Combat
Goal: Attack/defend M-COM stations
Winning the game: Destroy all M-COM stations/Deplete the attacker’s tickets (Attackers/Defenders)

Squad Rush is the ultimate test to show which squad is the best of the best. Squad Rush is an extremely tight duel between two squads that borrows the main rules from normal Rush, but in a much more intimate setting. In Squad Rush there are only 2 bases with 1 M-COM station per base, meaning that every M-COM taken or defended in Squad Rush is vital to the victory or defeat of the game. There are no vehicles in Squad Rush, so it’s all down to your infantry fighting skills.
To be successful it’s key that you and your squad mates customize your soldiers to complement each other on the battlefield, in order to keep reviving fallen mates, provide ammo, and perform other essential duties. Squad Rush is often favored by players who know each other’s play styles intimately and want to show their skills in the most personal of combat settings.
 On all 9 maps
Players: 24/32 or 64 (Console/PC)
Focus: Objective Based All-out Warfare
Goal: Capture and Hold Flags
Winning the game: Deplete opposing team’s tickets

Conquest is without a doubt the most classic of Battlefield game modes. Introduced in Battlefield 1942, Conquest has defined the entire Battlefield series (and influenced a lot of other games out there) and encompasses everything that makes Battlefield great. Set over a series of large-scale maps, Conquest is the game mode best suited for the experience of all-out vehicle warfare. In Conquest, two teams fight for control of a number of flags by being the dominant force in the vicinity of each base. Capture and keep control of a majority of the flags and the enemy team will bleed tickets. Killing enemies will also reduce their ticket count, and the first team to run out of tickets loses.
Conquest is a strategic and tactical game that often asks you to make important decisions on whether to attack an enemy base or defend one of your own. Your forces will rarely be enough to capture and hold every base on the map, so in-game communication and quick thinking is necessary to be victorious. Of all of the game modes we have invented here at DICE, Conquest will always have a special place in our hearts.
Tweak your game with Hardcore and Infantry Only settings
Not a fan of vehicles? No problem -- just click the “Infantry Only” box in your server browser when searching for a server game where no attack vehicles will spawn in, only transports. This is a great way to get a feel for the game or the map before you go all-out warfare.
Want a more lethal and tactical game mode where the risk and reward is even higher? With the Hardcore Mode setting, we are leaving you on the battlefield without much external help from the game interface. This game mode modifier will test the limits of your skills.
You can flick the Hardcore switch for any of the regular game modes. Doing so tends to turn matches into more deliberate and tactical affairs, since the penalty for being careless is higher. A lot of players prefer Hardcore Mode since it means that flanking and ambushing pays off to a higher degree, or because of the increased sense of immersion and authenticity that comes with removing user interface elements.
There is something for everyone in Battlefield 3’s adaptable array of multiplayer modes, maps, and modifiers. Add our many customization options for vehicles, weapons and classes, and you can see why we call this our biggest and deepest Battlefield yet.

Muppet's With Guns

Just finished another interrogation with Me1tdown101 for Muppet's With Guns and here's what he said...

Q1: When Was Muppet's with Guns Formed?
A: 3 years or so ago

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: on CoD CTF is a Muppet favourite but my personal favourite is S&D

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: Definitely the Sega Mega Drive although the Amiga comes a close second

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: The ACR from MW2, so im so glad its one of the weapons on offer in MW3

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: MW3 by a long way

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Nuketown, small and fast and so much fun in Muppet Lobbies, esp. with Explosives only on 

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Im a Sonic man

Q8: How did you decide the name Muppet's with Guns?
A: the muppets as we are now known, were originally called the Ordinary Aged Gamers (or OAPs) we decided it was crap and we thought Muppets with Guns was better, and from then we've grown from 8 or so to 100+

Q9: Where do you see Muppet's with Guns in the Next Year?
A: Doing exactly the same having fun, playing WGL in many games with a new Gears team(s), COD and Fifa and doing our fun shits and giggles interclan nights

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: As above

You can Catch these Muppets playing CTF on COD Blackops
or on theree most amazing website: 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

North South Divide Interrogation

After a day of being an interrogator i managed to get strife1892 to spit out a few answers. 

Q1: When Was North South Divide Formed?
A: December 2008

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: Sega Megadrive

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: P90

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Battlefield 3

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Array

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Sonic

Q8: How did you decide the name North South Divide?
A: We had people from all over England and there was some in clan banter over the divide between North and South

Q9: Where do you see North South Divide in the Next Year?
A: Expanding into more games than just CoD. Having more airsoft meetings. And with a bit of luck finishing respectively in every league we enter.

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: It gets better by the week, so more of that. The launch of the GoW leagues should see a growth of the WGL. Long may it continue.

You Can catch North South Divide on there website:

Or playing Xbox 

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Three Sixty Gamers Interrogation

After a long hard day questioning i managed to get Starstel to confess

Q1: When Was Three Sixty Gamers Formed?
A: August 2011 by Smokey TSG and Starstel.

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: We love Fifa Clubs, and for CoD, Hardcore HQ or SND

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: We just had this very debate on our forums! Mine personally is the N64, for the great games and the unique controller. It was also the last true cartridge system - low loading times

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: G3 or the P90

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Battlefield 3 - but it wont be as popular as MW3 

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Again, personally, I love Grid.

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Mario

Q8: How did you decide the name Three Sixty Gamers?
A: It was actually a suggestion from Smokey TSG's wife! We were surprised no-one had actually thougth of it or used it before.

Q9: Where do you see Three Sixty Gamers in the Next Year?
A: Continually growing, we have grown immensely since we started and we will be entering a team into next season.

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: its another thing we hope to see growing continually. Expanding the Fifa leagues and growing the CoD leagues. We are excited to see what they have in store for Gears and if there is anything else in the pipeline. One off tournaments, racing leagues, BF3 league possibly

You Can catch this team playing on there xbox chilling and also soon to be BF3
check out there

Random Fact

In Medieval Europe, disease was very common amongst peasants, who were Catholic. So when you sneezed, they would say "bless you" as a blessing from God so you would not end up disease ridden. 

Infamous Gaming Interrogation

After a long hard time questioning iG Bones we managed to get him to talk...

Q1: When Was Infamous Gaming Formed?
A: iG was formed in April 2010 by Evildead and Bones. Both of us run a clan before that but it split up after a failed merger.

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: Anything with an objective. TDM and Search, urrgghhh

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: Dreamcast, had some awesome games on it. Shenmue, love

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: The MP5 from CoD 4, beast

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Hmmm, tough choice. Black Ops is a terrible game and slightly spoiled my view of CoD but I think MW3 will be awesome

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Dont have one mate, I think the game is very very bad

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Sonic, dreamcast baby!

Q8: How did you decide the name Infamous Gaming?
A: Just tried to think of a cool name and Infamous was it

Q9: Where do you see Infamous Gaming in the Next Year?
A: Same as always. Good friends playing xbox together.

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: Onwards and upwards. 

You can Catch these guys on the lovely Xbox playing FPS's and always on top of the leader boards
or on there website:

Warped Reality Interrogation

After questioning i managed to get PeepoDuck WR To tell us what we needed

Q1: When Was Warped Reality Formed?
A: 30/07/2000 originally as a PC clan with Mel and Mana but moved onto Xbox Christmas 2008

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: Mine personally is HC S+D (even though it's hit or miss if I'm actually any good at it!) as a clan it's either core Demolition or Domination....unless Partisan is in charge of the lobby and then it CTF

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: Sega Master System ll which I still have and still works!

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: Without a doubt the STG 44. WaW holds a special place in my heart and that's the gun you'd find me using!

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Definately Modern Warfare 3! I have Battlefield 3 pre-ordered but I'm not a fan of online multiplayer for any of the Battlefield games. Even though MW3 will undoubtly have its faults I get to play it with my boys which will always be entertaining

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Summit

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Sonic definately! only ever really played Mario on the Gameboy (the massive grey brick of a Gameboy....still have that somewhere too)

Q8: How did you decide the name Warped Reality?
A: That would be a question for Melmoth. I think I did ask him once but there was either no real reasoning behind the name or the story was so uninteresting I forgot 

Q9: Where do you see Warped Reality in the Next Year?
A: To be honest WR just keeps plodding along,lol. You rarely see much change in the clan, we are a small close knit group of friends. We all tend to speak to each other daily, game almost daily and take the piss out of each other daily. I can't see this changing a whole lot in the space of a year 

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: Oh man that is a difficult question! I think it has grown far more than expected from the time it started so who knows where it will be! I remember the first season with like 8 teams and that was what....2 years ago? And look at it now. All I know is that it will continue grow and the admins will ensure it grows and doesn't go unnoticed in the world of the gaming community.

You Can Catch this cool clan on the Xbox on top of the leader boards on Call of Duty: Black Ops
Or on there website:

Carry On Gaming Interrogation

After a long hard days work Interrogating CoG Nasty Neil I managed to make him confess to my questions 

Q1: When Was Carry on Gaming Formed?
A: Sometime in 2007 - originally as a Gears clan, that then branched out as new members arrived

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: Probably either Demolition or Domination

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: little lad has one, and it still looks and plays good now

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: Either the G36c from CoD4 (Believe its returning in MW3  ) or the Scar....I even have a 'Scar Wars' T Shirt!

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Probably MW3, but I'll be on the BF3 train as well!

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Hmmmmm.......Probably either Firing Range or Havana

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Sonic...was always a Sega guy over Nintendo

Q8: How did you decide the name Carry on Gaming?
A: I think it came from the fact that we wanted something fun and different, and also the fact that we never stopped gaming too

Q9: Where do you see Carry on Gaming in the Next Year?
A: Hopefully more organised, with a broader membership, but one that can help move the clan forward. We want to help people have a fun gaming experience, and I think with the titles coming out we'll be having that!

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: From strength to strength! The admins are doing an awesome job (I would say that!  ) and with the new games and the direction and recognition arriving from outside the league, I think we can make the WGL THE place to be for like minded gamers that want to compete but also to have fun at the same time.

You lot can meet this awesome Clan Gaming on Call of Duty: Black Ops or Gears of War 
Or you should come chill out on there website:   

Virtual Talent Interrogation

After a long day of interrogating i managed to get vT K3RR to talk and this is what he had to say.

Q1: When Was Virtual Talent Formed?
A: Some say "vT" was found on ancient aztec relics by explorers in the early 12 century, others say April 2010

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: My personal fave is capture the flag, however as for the clan I'd have to say we've had some outstanding performances on Domination.

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: N64 hands down, I never had one but my cousin did and I worshipped him because of it

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: The CoD4 mp5.. I can do dangerous things with that weapon.

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Modern warfare 3. I'll be getting both but as a very competitive player BF3's multiplayer structure really doesn't match my playstyle. that said I am looking forward to flying around in jets!

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: I'd have to say summit. Relatively compact with a good mixture of High vs Low ground areas. alot of the other maps tend to be very mundane and flat in my opinion.

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Mario, he's a pimp.

Q8: How did you decide the name Virtual Talent?
A: That was before my time at virtual talent, although I've heard it came about after a pretty intense cluedo match!

Q9: Where do you see Virtual Talent in the Next Year?
A: I can see us being one of the powerhouses of the WGL. Everyone at virtual talent is very committed, the leaders and myself have plans for multiple teams across the various WGL leagues and we're very excited for the future of both the clan and the WGL

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: I've kept a keen eye on the WGL's progress and I'm hugely impressed by whats already happened! I joined just before last season and the rate its grown in the space of months is incredible. If it carries on at the same rate with the increasing levels of publicity, I'd say that we could expect WGL Lan tournys as well as sponsored teams, maybe even cash prizes! hats off to m3l and the others who keep the WGL workhorse trotting. 

You Can Catch this Team on Call of Duty:Black Ops and Soon to be MW3
Also You Need to Check Out there Website:

Monday 19 September 2011

The Last Shot Interrogation

After Tough Interrogation I managed to get theses Answers from  TLS LoKi.

Q1: When Was The Last Shot Formed?
A: Originally 2006-2007. But it closed at the end of 2008, until Myself and Colossus started back up early 2009.

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode?
A: Hmm thats a tough one, I like SnD but I am not very good at it, So I will go with Domination.

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console?
A: Sega Megadrive

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be?
A: AA12, Can only laugh while drop shotting people with it.

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: MW3, Battlefield will be filled with hit markers as always... But the graphics of the hit markers will look great!

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Dont really enjoy that many of them, depends on the gametype I suppose. Firing Range I suppose, its good on all gametypes!

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Sonic, Mario is a fag!

Q8: How did you decide the name The Last Shot?
A: Well I didnt have the final decision in the name, the old leaders chose it. However I like the name and when we started it back up I felt it was the oly possible name we could use!

Q9: Where do you see The Last Shot in the Next Year?
A: I dont see us being anywhere different from where we are now. We have a huge community and alot of clan members. Everyone is happy and we are happy to play for fun rather than be one of those competitive clan's who have to win everything!

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: I see the WGL becoming so big, that Gamebattles will fear the competition and buy it lol.. haha I have no idea where it will be, it just seems to keep getting bigger and better!

You can catch these guys chilling on Call of Duty: Black Ops or on there website

Aim StylezMonthly Interrogations

Aim Styles wants info about your clan! and will take no prisoners about it!
I will be having monthly Interrogations on your Clan to find out untold truth about your team!

If you want to be Interrogated 

Good Luck


Muky's monday message???

This is a tree for those that don't venture outside
Well it had to have 3 M's and im pretty sure Monday Musing is taken so a 8/10 for effort?
As this may be the first of many, i thought i'd see who is actually reading this and what game if any, got you into gaming?
Now you might not be into computer games but what game do you remember playing and thinking this is pretty damn awesome. (then went outside to climb a tree).

The first game i played was Paperboy. Now i know what your asking ''what is this bad-ass game you were obviously awesome at?''.
Well let me tell you, it was a kid riding up the street throwing papers at people's doors and occasionally running into the neighborhood dog. (Now that i read that back it doessound lame) But kept me busy for the best part of 3 month's.

So leave yours in a comment, statement or even interpretive dance below

UKF Clan

Well as this is our first blog we better introduce our self's so here goes:

(UKF) aka UK's Finest is an Xbox 360 clan who primarily play Call of Duty - Black Ops.

Led by UKF Balljoint and GeordieLass1982, who both established and started running the UKF from late November 2010, the clan has evolved so that 9 Month on it now has about a 30-strong player membership, spread over three squads competing in the Hardcore Search and Destroy, Hardcore Team Deathmatch and Mixed Modes Leagues of the Warped Gaming League (WGL) and Xbox Clan League (XBCL).

Whilst the UKF compete in these leagues, our underlying mentality and approach is to have fun, enjoy one another’s company and conduct ourselves in a friendly and positive way to others. This is why we also enjoy arranging and playing friendlies against other clans or generally just playing the variety of game modes against other players on Xbox Live.

Occasionally we do get confused with UKF Dubstep which i do have to say is awesome but we are nothing to do with. (mores the pity) But if you want to meet some of the team head over to .
And if your dying to go one step further and see us in action can always find our games on

We have recieved a small amount of publicity in 360 Gamer magazine Here (sorry just had to drop that in somewhere)

Thats pretty much us for now. Ill be updating this more and more as we get to grips with the blog but for now bye.