Tuesday 20 September 2011

Warped Reality Interrogation

After questioning i managed to get PeepoDuck WR To tell us what we needed

Q1: When Was Warped Reality Formed?
A: 30/07/2000 originally as a PC clan with Mel and Mana but moved onto Xbox Christmas 2008

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: Mine personally is HC S+D (even though it's hit or miss if I'm actually any good at it!) as a clan it's either core Demolition or Domination....unless Partisan is in charge of the lobby and then it CTF

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: Sega Master System ll which I still have and still works!

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: Without a doubt the STG 44. WaW holds a special place in my heart and that's the gun you'd find me using!

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Definately Modern Warfare 3! I have Battlefield 3 pre-ordered but I'm not a fan of online multiplayer for any of the Battlefield games. Even though MW3 will undoubtly have its faults I get to play it with my boys which will always be entertaining

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Summit

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Sonic definately! only ever really played Mario on the Gameboy (the massive grey brick of a Gameboy....still have that somewhere too)

Q8: How did you decide the name Warped Reality?
A: That would be a question for Melmoth. I think I did ask him once but there was either no real reasoning behind the name or the story was so uninteresting I forgot 

Q9: Where do you see Warped Reality in the Next Year?
A: To be honest WR just keeps plodding along,lol. You rarely see much change in the clan, we are a small close knit group of friends. We all tend to speak to each other daily, game almost daily and take the piss out of each other daily. I can't see this changing a whole lot in the space of a year 

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: Oh man that is a difficult question! I think it has grown far more than expected from the time it started so who knows where it will be! I remember the first season with like 8 teams and that was what....2 years ago? And look at it now. All I know is that it will continue grow and the admins will ensure it grows and doesn't go unnoticed in the world of the gaming community.

You Can Catch this cool clan on the Xbox on top of the leader boards on Call of Duty: Black Ops
Or on there website: www.warpedreality.co.uk

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