Tuesday 20 September 2011

Infamous Gaming Interrogation

After a long hard time questioning iG Bones we managed to get him to talk...

Q1: When Was Infamous Gaming Formed?
A: iG was formed in April 2010 by Evildead and Bones. Both of us run a clan before that but it split up after a failed merger.

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: Anything with an objective. TDM and Search, urrgghhh

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: Dreamcast, had some awesome games on it. Shenmue, love

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: The MP5 from CoD 4, beast

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Hmmm, tough choice. Black Ops is a terrible game and slightly spoiled my view of CoD but I think MW3 will be awesome

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Dont have one mate, I think the game is very very bad

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Sonic, dreamcast baby!

Q8: How did you decide the name Infamous Gaming?
A: Just tried to think of a cool name and Infamous was it

Q9: Where do you see Infamous Gaming in the Next Year?
A: Same as always. Good friends playing xbox together.

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: Onwards and upwards. 

You can Catch these guys on the lovely Xbox playing FPS's and always on top of the leader boards
or on there website:http://www.infamousgaming.co.uk/

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