Monday 19 September 2011

Muky's monday message???

This is a tree for those that don't venture outside
Well it had to have 3 M's and im pretty sure Monday Musing is taken so a 8/10 for effort?
As this may be the first of many, i thought i'd see who is actually reading this and what game if any, got you into gaming?
Now you might not be into computer games but what game do you remember playing and thinking this is pretty damn awesome. (then went outside to climb a tree).

The first game i played was Paperboy. Now i know what your asking ''what is this bad-ass game you were obviously awesome at?''.
Well let me tell you, it was a kid riding up the street throwing papers at people's doors and occasionally running into the neighborhood dog. (Now that i read that back it doessound lame) But kept me busy for the best part of 3 month's.

So leave yours in a comment, statement or even interpretive dance below

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