Sunday 25 September 2011

Skyrim Demo

Just played a bit of the skyrim demo round a friends
Oh. My. Gawd.
Sweet lord, what a game. The environments were beautiful, the animations were improved, combat looks infinitely better, no more awkward dialogue screen, horses looked like they handled much better. I could go on and on and on, but I wanna focus on the part that really had me screaming like a little girl; when the player came across the mammoths and giants walking peacefully, gets into a fight with them, AND OH MY GOD THE FUCKING DRAGON PICKS UP THE FUCKING GIANT AND THROWS HIM A MILLION FUCKING FEET IN THE AIR AND NOW WE HAVE TO FIGHT HIM AND KILL HIM AND THEN OH MY GOD A FUCKING FROST DRAGON RIGHT AFTER WHICH YOU KILL BY MAKING FUCKING LIGHTNING COME DOWN FROM THE FUCKING HEAVENS!!!!!

Ahem… sorry about that, geeked out for a minute. So uhh… yeah, it was quite impressive.

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