Tuesday 20 September 2011

Three Sixty Gamers Interrogation

After a long hard day questioning i managed to get Starstel to confess

Q1: When Was Three Sixty Gamers Formed?
A: August 2011 by Smokey TSG and Starstel.

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: We love Fifa Clubs, and for CoD, Hardcore HQ or SND

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: We just had this very debate on our forums! Mine personally is the N64, for the great games and the unique controller. It was also the last true cartridge system - low loading times

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: G3 or the P90

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Battlefield 3 - but it wont be as popular as MW3 

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: Again, personally, I love Grid.

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Mario

Q8: How did you decide the name Three Sixty Gamers?
A: It was actually a suggestion from Smokey TSG's wife! We were surprised no-one had actually thougth of it or used it before.

Q9: Where do you see Three Sixty Gamers in the Next Year?
A: Continually growing, we have grown immensely since we started and we will be entering a team into next season.

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: its another thing we hope to see growing continually. Expanding the Fifa leagues and growing the CoD leagues. We are excited to see what they have in store for Gears and if there is anything else in the pipeline. One off tournaments, racing leagues, BF3 league possibly

You Can catch this team playing on there xbox chilling and also soon to be BF3
check out there website:www.threesixtygamers.co.uk

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