Tuesday 20 September 2011

Virtual Talent Interrogation

After a long day of interrogating i managed to get vT K3RR to talk and this is what he had to say.

Q1: When Was Virtual Talent Formed?
A: Some say "vT" was found on ancient aztec relics by explorers in the early 12 century, others say April 2010

Q2: What is your Favorite Game Mode
A: My personal fave is capture the flag, however as for the clan I'd have to say we've had some outstanding performances on Domination.

Q3: What is your Favorite Retro Console
A: N64 hands down, I never had one but my cousin did and I worshipped him because of it

Q4: If you Had to Bring back a weapon from Any of the COD Titles to Call of Duty: Black Ops What would it be
A: The CoD4 mp5.. I can do dangerous things with that weapon.

Q5: What Are you more looking forward to play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?
A: Modern warfare 3. I'll be getting both but as a very competitive player BF3's multiplayer structure really doesn't match my playstyle. that said I am looking forward to flying around in jets!

Q6: What is your Favorite map for Blackops?
A: I'd have to say summit. Relatively compact with a good mixture of High vs Low ground areas. alot of the other maps tend to be very mundane and flat in my opinion.

Q7: Mario or Sonic?
A: Mario, he's a pimp.

Q8: How did you decide the name Virtual Talent?
A: That was before my time at virtual talent, although I've heard it came about after a pretty intense cluedo match!

Q9: Where do you see Virtual Talent in the Next Year?
A: I can see us being one of the powerhouses of the WGL. Everyone at virtual talent is very committed, the leaders and myself have plans for multiple teams across the various WGL leagues and we're very excited for the future of both the clan and the WGL

Q10: Where do you See the WGL going in the next year or two?
A: I've kept a keen eye on the WGL's progress and I'm hugely impressed by whats already happened! I joined just before last season and the rate its grown in the space of months is incredible. If it carries on at the same rate with the increasing levels of publicity, I'd say that we could expect WGL Lan tournys as well as sponsored teams, maybe even cash prizes! hats off to m3l and the others who keep the WGL workhorse trotting. 

You Can Catch this Team on Call of Duty:Black Ops and Soon to be MW3
Also You Need to Check Out there Website: www.virtual-talent.co.uk

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